My wife and I just returned from watching the movie adaptation of
Prince Caspian, the second of the Narnia series - which turned out to be a complete disaster. The movie, that is.
Not only did they add every variety of kid-oriented adventure movie cliche (up to and including romance between Caspian and Susan), but the writers completely eviscerated all theological allegory from the story. Aslan was trite and almost absent from the storyline, Peter was egotistical all the way through, and the over-arching message (to the extent there still was one) was self-reliance, rather than the goodness and joy of Aslan/God.
What a disaster. I do hope they find better writers for
Dawn Treader - or, failing that, some writers who are less hung up on being 'creative' and JUST KEEP TO THE STORY IN THE BOOK!